Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Scranton Coffee Shops

Electric City (Scranton's weekly entertainment newspaper) recently ran an article about the recent influx of coffee shops in the area. As I mentioned yesterday, Jillian and I tried out Mansour's Market in East Scranton's "Petersburg" neighborhood, where I enjoyed a caremel latte that was at least average, if not a bit better. Jill said her hot chocolate was pretty good, but the whipped cream was nowhere near as good as at Northern Light (which makes sense, or I hope it does, because of N.L.'s fancy whipped cream thing-a-ma-jig).

Mansour's doesn't have that cafe kind of vibe where you could sit around and mull over things with friends, or allow yourself to be lost in a good book. Maybe that's because it was the middle of the day and the place was filled with lots of natural light, which is definitely not a bad thing. The interesting thing is that they sell groceries, too - thus the market part in the name of the shop. The engraved tin ceiling is really nice, as are the granite tops of the tables and the long coffee bar. There is a great tile pattern on the floor, but it doesn't seem to match the rest of the design. Some of the place is still pretty empty; we'll see what happens as it fills up.

Yesterday my last class was let out early, so I thought I'd try to find Cafe Zummo's before picking Jill up from work. It is in the Greenridge section of Scranton on Marion Street (Marion runs parallel to Green Ridge Street, one block closer to downtown). The cafe is on the first floor of a house; I was intrigued, and since I had a few extra minutes I decided to head inside. It's a very small place, only three or four tables that seat four each. Not exactly a hang out spot, which makes sense: the latest they are open is 6:30 p.m. However, they did have live music there last week, so I wonder how that worked out. Perhaps the second floor has seating, too, but it didn't appear to be the case.

Now, the cool part about Zummo's is that they are the home of and sell locally roasted coffee beans by Electric City Roasting (slogan: it's all about the bean). I had a cup of their Blue Moose roast and it was the best cup of joe I've had in quite awhile (excluding the coffee at Abe's deli, because it is always great). I hope to have another cup of the Moose soon so that maybe I can describe it's flavor, but from what I recall, it was somewhat sweet, not very bitter, and had lots of aroma. The bonus about finding this place is that they also sell the beans they roast. So the next time I decide to buy coffee for home, I'll likely end up at Zummo's with a one-pound bag of Blue Moose to take home with me.

Northern Light will continue to be the spot to hang out over some joe or tea, but these places offer a nice alternative and change of pace.

Yesterday's weight: 219 | Yesterday's workout: Lift: press, tris, lat pulldowns, row, bis, and butterfly thingy; Run 2 miles, Walk 1.25 miles