Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Blog Housekeeping

technorati tags

UPDATE (2/7/07):
I think I've made some good changes in the last week. Let me point them out to you (a little guided tour, if you will), starting in the left sidebar. Dropped the generic Blogger profile and created my own about & contact page along with a spot to view my portfolio of web and graphic design work. Updated my RSS feed icon and solicitation. Created a drop-down archives menu. Added links to my 2 youth group myspace pages. Simplified my Emerging Connections info. Pruned my links list to just Family (for now). Updated my book list.

The main content area has changed little; I'm labeling posts now. Bumped the right sidebar down a bit. I've added a rotating selection of icons and photos of saints to accompany the Spiritual Formation links. Still trying to decide if I want to leave the ones that are there or try to set up some way to link to my current practices. Finally, I've started the list of labels. This list will grow, and if I can figure out how to hack in to Blogger's labeling system, you might eventually see little numbers indicating how many posts have been labeled a particular way. For now, know that if I have a label, it's there; and if it's there, at least one post has that label. Moved the banners and my Google ad box (click and make me some money!) to the right sidebar.

Still with me? Good. Now, leave me a comment. Give me feedback. Stroke my ego. Tell me it looks like hell (but make sure you offer some suggestions if you do).


In an effort to jump-start my blogging habits, I'm doing a bit of housekeeping. I've started re-designing my template, I'm pruning my links, I've SWITCHED THE COMMENTS back to Blogger from HaloScan. So,thanks to all those who have commented in the past; for now, they won't show up anymore unless I find some fancy way to port them in. New comments, however, will appear.

Part of the reason for the change is updating to the new version of Blogger; the comment change is directly related to that. As I learn to update my template, I'll be adding in the new bells and whistles, including RSS (syndication) of the comments. I'm not sure how much people use that function, but if I happen to write a post that really gets some conversation going, I figure it's better for people to be able to follow it through their feed reader than having to check back to see if new comments have been added.

More work and changes to come. If you have suggestions, please let me know.

Yesterday's weight: | Yesterday's workout: ran .6 miles, walked 1.4 miles
